The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Chile



Valdivia, Paloma (text/illus.)
Santiago: Amanuta, 2017. – [36] p.
(Series: Sin límites)
ISBN 978-956-364-042-7

Mother  | Child  | Personal development  | Individuality  | Independence  | Picture book

Reading age: 3+

White Ravens issue: 2018


Cover art for Nosotros

This picture book by renowned Chilean illustrator Paloma Valdivia is about the close mother-child relation. At the same time, it describes the process of breaking away to develop one’s individual personality and to find one’s path. The “we” of the title are a sheep and a lamb, a mare and a foal, a big and a little rabbit, connected closely to one another. But at some point the child will “hop away”. Both will continue to grow, perhaps in very different ways and directions. Still, when they will see each other again – in this case, as a deer and a bird –, their bond will remain unmistakeable. They are, and will always remain, “we”. Paloma Valdivia’s charming illustrations are reminiscent of ink stamps and are characterized by clear lines and simple, organic shapes. The little, square book’s design is also marvellous: its thick book covers, slender, red spine, matte, textured paper and high-quality print make “Nosotros” a pleasurable aesthetic experience.