The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Uruguay

Y de postre ... una esdrújula

(And for dessert… a word whose antepenultimate syllable is stressed)

Chavarría González, Mario (text)
Calderón, Marcela (illus.)
[Colonia del Sacramento]: Amanuense, 2018. – [32] p.
ISBN 978-9974-8632-0-0

Book  | Vermin  | Picture book

Reading age: 7+

White Ravens issue: 2018


Books create their own worlds. This is not only true for the innumerable stories sandwiched between the book covers at home. The book covers themselves, the pages, and the book shelves are literally full of life: bookworms, silverfish, termites, fungi, and spores make their homes there. Books give them protection and fodder – precious leather bindings, delicate parchment! And much to the chagrin of humans, books ultimately succumb to decay. This entertaining book vividly introduces the light-shy creatures housed in our books, which have led countless bibliophiles to frustration. Mario Chavarría González and Marcela Calderón use humorous ideas to present the despicable facts in text and image by awarding the tiny beasts a certain sense of style. Silverfish supposedly prefer alphabet soup, while moth larvae are always on the look-out for quotes from great authors.