The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

German / Germany

Im Gefängnis. Ein Kinderbuch über das Leben hinter Gittern

(In prison. A children’s book about life behind bars)

Engelhardt, Thomas (text)
Osberghaus, Monika (text)
Hesselbarth, Susann (illus.)
[Leipzig]: Klett Kinderbuch, 2018. – 92 p.
ISBN 978-3-95470-186-5

Prison  | Father  | Daughter

Reading age: 8+

White Ravens issue: 2019


Cover art for Im Gefängnis. Ein Kinderbuch über das Leben hinter Gittern

The first chapter of this book is entitled “The unknown place”. Which is true: Everyone is aware that prisons exist, but most people only know what they look like inside from crime series on TV: how inmates live, and, more importantly, what it means for family and friends when a beloved person is incarcerated. Therefore, this book closes an important gap. It tells the story of Sina, whose Dad Robert serves time. Not only does it illuminate all aspects of imprisonment, it is also told from various perspectives – what a sharp move. In addition to descriptive passages, readers will find texts told from Sina’s and Robert’s points of view, e.g. in their letters. The book’s tone is straightforward, not condescending, and above all authentic, because the author addresses fear, embarrassment, anger, frustration as well as the many areas of conflict and the huge challenges faced by inmates as well as their family and friends.