The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Russian / Russia

Natal'ja Gorbanevskaja 1936 – 2013. Moja istorija – ėto istorija menja sredi moich druzej

(Natalya Gorbanevskaya 1936. Moya istoriya – eto istoriya menya sredi moikh druzey)

(Natalya Gorbanevskaya 1936-2013. My story is the story of myself among my friends)

Malyševa, Ljubava (Malysheva, Lyubava) (text)
Krasovickaja, Njusja (Krasovickaya, Nyusya) (illus.)
Moskva: [Self-published], 2018. – [31] p.
(Series: Ženskaja istorija dlja detej [Zhenskaya istoriya dlya detey])
ISBN 978-5-907051-85-0

Gorbanevskaya, Natalya <1936-2013>  | Civil rights  | Justice  | Soviet Union  | Biography  | Picture book

Reading age: 8+

White Ravens issue: 2019


Cover art for Natal'ja Gorbanevskaja 1936 – 2013. Moja istorija – ėto istorija menja sredi moich druzej

When Natalya Gorbanevskaya starts documenting Soviet law-breaking and despotism in “A Chronicle of Current Events” in the late 1960s, a life-long fight for justice is born. She pays a high price for it: she is arrested, forced to undergo psychiatric treatment, and must emigrate to Paris. In 2013, she is back in Moscow demonstrating against state oppression. In this slim picture book, Lyubava Malysheva and Gorbanevskaya’s granddaughter Nyusya Krasovickaya trace the life of the poet, human rights activist, and dissident. The short, sober text and black-and-white ink drawings tell children the story of a strong woman, whose “Chronicle” became one of the most important testimonies to the samizdat and the civil rights movement in the Soviet Union. This is the second volume of the independently published book series “Women’s history for children”, which is being financed through crowdfunding.