The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Japanese / Japan

Nagaidesho rippadesho

(Long is beautiful)

Satoshin (text)
Yamamura, Koji (illus.)
Tōkyō: PHP kenkyūjo, 2014. – [32] p.
ISBN 978-4-569-78397-0

Animals  | Picture book

Reading age: 2+

White Ravens issue: 2016


“Nagaidesho rippadesho” is a picture book illustrated by world-renowned animated short film artist Koji Yamamura whose “Mt. Head” was nominated for an Oscar in 2003. In this picture book, animals show off their long noses or tails, explaining why these are well-suited to their lifestyles. While each animal proudly displays the long parts of their bodies, the rooster watches with envy and admiration, and finally reveals that he also has something long. The rooster’s expressions and movements are vivid, comical and charming. The dynamic illustrations using a limited colour palette recall traditional Japanese painting. The book’s unique front cover displays a striking array of ears and legs, a long nose and a tail. The rooster and a scale are cleverly illustrated on the endpapers. The simple plot has a universal appeal, and the rhythmic, repetitive text makes this book a truly entertaining read for very young children.