The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

French / France

Guingouin. Un chef du maquis

(Guingouin. A commander of the French Resistance)

Fastier, Yann (text/illus.)
Le Puy-en-Velay: L‘ Atelier du poisson soluble, [2015]. – 41 p.
ISBN 978-2-35871080-0

France  | History 1940-1944  | World War II (1939-1945)  | Résistance  | Guingouin, Georges  | Biography

Reading age: 15+

White Ravens issue: 2016


Cover art for Guingouin. Un chef du maquis

Georges Guingouin (1913-2005) is one of the most unconventional personalities of the French Resistance in World War II. Already in 1940, he realized the need to offer armed and cross-partisan resistance to German and French fascism. With only a few companions, he built up the strategically important resistance in the Limousine region. Charles de Gaulle and the Allied powers later honoured his work, but still he fell prey to nasty defamations from former Vichy Regimers. His reputation was only fully rehabilitated in 2006, which was shortly after his death. This slender biography from the politically committed publishers “L’atelier du poisson soluble” reminds readers of the different political perspectives concerning the Resistance in Limousine. The second part of the volume features an excellent biographical sketch of Gouingouin’s life, including a bibliography and filmography, which invite readers to further explore the life of this great French patriot. (Age: 15+)



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