The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Spain

¡Eso no es normal!

(That is not normal!)

Pavón, Mar (text)
Faÿ, Laure du (illus.)
[Madrid]: nubeOCHO, 2015. – [36] p.
(Series: Egalité)
ISBN 978-84-944137-8-0

Normalcy  | Diversity  | Prejudice  | Picture book

Reading age: 3+

White Ravens issue: 2016


Cover art for ¡Eso no es normal!

What is normal?! Most people wonder about this question even if, upon closer inspection, it is irrelevant, unnecessary and only arises from the wish to be part of the “right crowd”. In this picture book, the question is put to the animal kingdom. An elephant with his unbelievably long trunk is definitely not normal – that is the unanimous opinion of the other animals, despite the fact that he does incredible and very helpful things with it. For instance, it becomes stairs for a frail monkey to climb, a rocker for a young sleeping antelope, and a clothesline for a zebra’s black stripes to dry on. All wonderful things, but still not normal! The hippo mama is especially suspicious and hostile, until she experiences for herself how such an abnormal elephant can even be a life-saver. There’s no question, this book has a moral and a message. But these are offered to little readers in a friendly, unimposing way through the imaginative text and the cheerful, dynamic illustrations.