The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Spain

Alma y la isla

(Alma and the island)

Rodríguez, Mónica (text)
García, Ester (illus.)
Madrid: Anaya, 2016. – 117 p.
ISBN 978-84-698-0888-7

Refugee  | Island  | Jealousy

Reading age: 9+

White Ravens issue: 2016


Cover art for Alma y la isla

The inhabitants of an island in the Mediterranean learn that even in this purportedly isolated spot, the outside world is not easily kept at bay. Otto learns this, too, when at six years old he first sees a dead refugee washed up on the beach. Over time the toll increases: dead people in the water and survivors in boats, daring to embark on life-threatening journeys across the sea in the hope of landing in Europe. One of them is Alma, whom Otto’s father rescues from the water while on his fishing boat and brings her home. Otto understands the crisis, but at first feels insecure and fears his place in the family will be lost. This award-winning, sensitively told children’s book, narrated from the perspective of the boy, familiarizes readers with the highly timely topic of refugeedom, without being overtaxing or overwhelming. Mónica Rodríguez really understands how to capture the boy’s feelings. When it is time to say goodbye and Alma leaves the family, a hole is left behind in Otto’s heart.