The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Galician / Spain

Teño uns pés perfectos. Un libro para ler cos pés descalzos

(I have perfect feet. A book to read barefoot)

Solar, María (text)
Gusti (illus.)
Pontevedra: Kalandraka, 2015. – 28 p.
(Series: Colección Seteleguas)
ISBN 978-84-8464-974-8

Foot  | Non-fiction

Reading age: 7+

White Ravens issue: 2016


Cover art for Teño uns pés perfectos. Un libro para ler cos pés descalzos

In the realm of non-fiction many topics have long since been grazed clean, but journalist and author María Solar awaits us here with something new and rather left-field: Feet! Our protagonist is caught “wrong-footed”, too, in the short frame story that presents this informative and entertaining book. When Melchor enters the “Who’s the cleverest kid?” contest, he must demonstrate his podiatric knowledge, of all things. The only rescue is to read “Teño uns pés perfectos”, which answers wondrous questions: Why do feet smell like cheese? Who knew that there’s a difference between Egyptian, Greek and Roman feet? How does the foot “machine” work – and why do we have five toes anyway? Even though the book sheds selective, if not comprehensive light on all things feet, it covers some very enlightening facts. To be sure, the pictures by critically acclaimed illustrator Gusti make no claim to scientific exactness, but their wittiness inspires one to take a closer look at feet.