The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Estonian / Estonia

Tuvi ei taha saia

(The pigeon that does not like white bread)

Kangilaski, Kristi (text/illus.)
[Tallinn]: Päike ja Pilv, 2014. – [28] p.
ISBN 978-9949-9530-35

Friendship  | Happiness  | Contentment  | Picture book

Reading age: 5+

White Ravens issue: 2015


Cover art for Tuvi ei taha saia

“Tuvi ei taha saia” is the second picture book by Kristi Kangilaski (b. 1982), who first made a name for herself in Estonia as an illustrator for texts by other authors. Kangilaski employs rose-grey pastel hues and a bird’s eye perspective apropos to the story to help bring to life the tale of a dove who has lost interest in luxury bird food, i.e. bread and baked goods. She complains to Tiu, a little girl whom the dove happens to meet in front of a bakery. She also tells Tiu her secret dream, which is realised with the help of the little girl who becomes her friend. Praised as one of the five best designed children’s books of Estonia in 2014, “Tuvi ei taha saia” is a delicate little story about the meaning of friendship and about how too much of a good thing – in this case too much premium food – can quickly turn sour.