Hungarian / Hungary
Lila királylány. 9 mese
(Princess Lila. Nine stories)
Dóka, Péter
Pikkov, Anne
[Budapest]: Móra K., 2014. – 120 p.
ISBN 978-963-11-9608-5
Falling in love | Fairy tale
Reading age: 7+
White Ravens issue: 2015

In this book, Peter Dóka presents nine entertaining fairy tales in which the protagonists are all looking for appropriate or even ideal partners. In the process they defeat their foes and overcome all obstacles, even if they muddle things up a bit in the process. Dóka’s fairy-tale world is populated by well-known fairytale types: giants and dwarves, dragons and fairies, heroic youths and beautiful princesses. The stories’ emotional depth will captivate readers and elicit both laughter as well as tears. The accompanying coloured illustrations by Anne Pikkov have a surreal, dream-like character and add surprising nuance to the texts.