Galician / Spain
Gutiérrez, Xulio
Fernández, Nicolás
Pontevedra: Faktoría K de Libros, 2016. – 31 p.
(Series: Animais extraordinarios; 5)
ISBN 978-84-15250-98-2
Animals | Sight | Sense of sight | Non-fiction
Reading age: 8+
White Ravens issue: 2017

Many non-fiction books about the animal world are similar to one another, in that they organize their content around classes of animals, animal groups, or habitats. The series on “Extraordinary animals” employs a different strategy to explain nature’s amazing diversity and creativity. After the four previous volumes focused on “Mouths”, “Builders”, “Camouflage” and “To be born” respectively, this time the focus of duo Xulio Gutiérrez and Nicolás Fernández is on eyes. Adopting a favourite layout of many non-fiction books, they introduce a different kind of animal on every double page. Alongside general information, a further text describes how the animal’s eyes function and what tasks they have. In an easy-to-grasp manner, the texts and the precise, detailed colour illustrations explain, why, for instance, lions are outstanding nocturnal hunters, why falcons can unerringly approach their prey, even from great distances, and why snails move so slowly and rely on their sense of smell rather than their eyes.