Spanish / Spain
Dorothy. Déjale entrar
(Dorothy. Let her in)
Sáez Castán, Javier
Auladell, Pablo
[Barcelona]: A buen paso, [2017]. – 35 p.
ISBN 978-84-946368-4-4
Tornado | Force of nature | Picture book
Reading age: 12+
White Ravens issue: 2017

A young, seemingly harmless tornado has lost its way and ended up whirling about in the backyard of Martha and Jonah’s farm, deep in the heart of Kansas. Martha is delighted, Jonah is mistrustful, but lets his wife convince him to “adopt” the little wild child. “She” is to be called Dorothy. But unlike as hoped for, Dorothy won’t let herself be easily tamed. On the contrary – she soon develops her raw power. Martha stays enchanted, Jonah remains sceptical, but self-composed. In the end every rock has been upturned. In truth, Dorothy has changed both of the farmers’ lives. This is a wonderful story, nutty, confusing, poetic, with marvellous drawings which masterfully capture the characters’ melancholy, longing, and forlornness. The upholders of picture book orthodoxy will surely protest: this book’s text is far too long for a picture book, and how could it be meant for readers over the age of twelve? How could that work? Who does something like that? Luckily, A buen paso Press does something like that.