The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Spain

Una historia diferente

(A different kind of story)

Serra, Adolfo (text/illus.)
[Aguadulce, Almería]: Libre Albedrío, 2017. – [28] p.
ISBN 978-84-946308-3-5

Life  | Existence  | Diversity  | Similarity  | Poetry  | Picture book

Reading age: 4+

White Ravens issue: 2017


Cover art for Una historia diferente

The life of a rhinoceros and of a rhinoceros beetle could not be more different. On the one hand, the gigantic, massive, armoured colossus, and on the other the little, fragile, easy-to-miss insect. But in spite of all their differences – and as their similar names already suggests – the two animals have some surprising things in common. Like all creatures, they also experience proximity and distance, limitation and vastness, big and little things, solitude and companionship. The rhinoceros and rhinoceros beetle meet one another someplace at some point, and realize both their unmistakeable uniqueness and difference from each other, as well as their uniting similarities. Adolfo Serra’s quiet, reflective, breezy poem helps even young children grasp the basic questions of human and creaturely existence. The beautiful double-page illustrations, kept to a gently glowing colour palette, radiate great peace, poise, tenderness, and power.