The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Czech / Czech Republic

Podivuhodná robotí expedice

(The wonderful robot expedition)

Rubášová, Taťána (text)
Janíček, Jindřich (illus.)
Praha: Labyrint, 2016. – 93 p.
(Series: William & Meriwether; Komiks – 14. Svazek)
ISBN 978-80-906111-3-9

Robot  | Expedition  | Discovery  | Origin  | Future  | Cultural critique  | Dystopia  | Picture book

Reading age: 9+

White Ravens issue: 2018


Cover art for Podivuhodná robotí expedice

Labyrint Publishing not only unveils a new series with “William & Meriwether”, but also a new narrative style for comics. Akin to a video clip with subtitles, the story is set in the future and centers around the robots William and Meriwether. It offers many witty allusions and irony: each page features a large illustration with an accompanying text at the bottom of the page, which describes the robots’ expedition in the world on the other side of the wall. They are tasked to look for remnants of earlier life and to research where robots come from and why they exist. Naturally, William and Meriwether face obstacles along the way, must orient themselves in the underbrush and avoid falling into crevices and caves. In the end they discover a settlement, where they not only find old transport vehicles, such as rockets, and their ancestor, an early form of robot, but also proof of an ancient myth – human beings with real hands and faces.