Czech / Czech Republic
Kdo zabil snížka?
(Who killed Snowflake?)
Soukopová, Petra
Ščerbová, Tereza
Brno: Host, 2017. – 146 p.
ISBN 978-80-7577-226-8
Dog | Malice | Death | Value
Reading age: 9+
White Ravens issue: 2018

Dogs are not stuffed animals, that’s for sure. One must take care of them, take them on walks, give them food. Martina knows these things, because she wants to be a responsible young dog-owner. When her greatest wish comes true and “Snowflake” joins the family, everything is perfect. Or so it seems. Snowflake turns out to not be a loving pet, but instead has a difficult, possibly malicious character: she bites, disobeys, and makes everyone around her aggressive. One day, Snowflake is found dead. Murdered?! Unhappy Martina starts to investigate. In her second children’s book, Petra Soukupová (b. 1979) once again shows a marvellous talent for weaving a suspenseful plot, this time regarding the dog’s death into a text about being together with others, about people’s interests and wishes. Beyond this, she touches on the problem of evil – in human beings, as well as in animals. Tereza Ščerbová’s illustrations, dominated by cool blue water colours, capture all of this wonderfully.