Norwegian / Norway
Dekko, Espen
Johnsen, Mari Kanstad
Kolbotn: Magikon forlag, 2017. – [36] p.
ISBN 978-82-92863-73-2
Dog | Friendship | Memory | Death | Picture book
Reading age: 4+
White Ravens issue: 2018

Edvard’s best friend is his big and sweet-tempered dog Poff, who has soft fur, floppy ears, and loyal eyes. Poff is old, very old. There’s no more need for running and jumping about. He’s content to lie on the sofa and dream of doing those things. Poff goes out with Edvard every day and trots around contentedly. It’s nice to feel the grass and hear the birds sing. But Poff is tired. Very tired. After licking Edvard’s hand one last time, he falls asleep forever. Now Edvard is the one who dreams – of Poff barking and playing fetch. Poff’s death is sad, but it is good that he left after living a full and contented dog life. “P+E” touches on big issues – friendship, the good life, death, and memory. It does so using spacious, vividly coloured and organically connected pictures and a clear, calmly flowing language.