The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Japanese / Japan

Jitensha noreru kana

(Can I ride a bicycle?)

Hirata, Toshiyuki (text/illus.)
Tōkyō: Akane Shobō, 2018. – [36] p.
ISBN 978-4-251-09907-5

Bicycle  | Practice  | Frustration  | Imagination  | Picture book

Reading age: 4+

White Ravens issue: 2018


Cover art for Jitensha noreru kana

This visually attractive picture book is told from a child’s believable point of view. The child feels uneasy when he practices riding a bicycle. The bicycle is hopelessly difficult to handle for him. As he fails and his frustration grows, the bicycle becomes an elephant on a ball, rhythmic musical notes, or a balancing toy. Within the child’s boundless imagination, a dinosaur eating musical notes disturbs the harmonies being played by his bicycle and a boy, who looks like the protagonist, helps him. His alter ego invites him to get on a swing. As he enjoys the swinging, the boy realizes that he is at last riding his bicycle. The plot is simple but narrated with much sympathy. The boy’s expressions brilliantly capture the memorable moment of a child’s confidence-building learning experience. Using a limited colour palette and dynamic layout, the bold design calls to mind poster art, which is nostalgic but at the same time modern and appealing.