The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Polish / Poland

Nić Ariadny. Mity i labirynty

(Ariadne’s thread. Myths and labyrinths)

Bajtlik, Jan (text/illus.)
Warszaw: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry, 2018. – 72 p.
ISBN 978-83-65341-99-0

Antiquity  | Greece  | Mythology  | Legend  | Labyrinth  | Picture book  | Non-fiction

Reading age: 8+

White Ravens issue: 2019


Cover art for Nić Ariadny. Mity i labirynty

Greek antiquity, labyrinths, and Jan Bajtlik! Bring these three together, and the result is marvellous – in this case a big picture book about classic myths and legends. Bajtlik turns Ariadne’s thread into the leading motif for the book, crafting a labyrinthine picture for each myth to wind its way through. The myths are also all summarized at the end of this wonderful non-fiction and discovery book. Jan Bajtlik (b. 1989) is a sought-after illustrator and graphic designer in Poland, as well as in France. He became known for his aesthetic use of script and typography in “Alphadoodler” and received Special Mention at the 2014 Bologna Ragazzi Award. “Nić Ariadny” is counted among the ten most important new books in children’s literature in 2018 in Poland. It won the Polish Graphic Design Award in the “Children’s and Young Adult Book” category.



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