The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Slovenian / Slovenia

Telefon ali Tisoč stvari

(A phone or a thousand things)

Skubic, Andrej E. (text)
Šinkovec, Igor (illus.)
Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2018. – 37 p.
(Series: Zbirka Deteljica)
ISBN 978-961-01-5248-4

Mobile phone  | Philosophy  | Impermanence  | Existence  | Stone

Reading age: 8+

White Ravens issue: 2019


Cover art for Telefon ali Tisoč stvari

A lost cell phone and a stone start talking. The stone has been lying in the same spot for millions of years, having seen dinosaurs, climate change, and human beings come and go. The phone, on the other hand, has ring tones to offer and only knows of the dinosaurs via the Internet. It also misses its owner’s attention. The two talk about life and existence and are surprised to learn of the idiosyncrasies of the other. When the phone’s battery runs out, the stone sits beside his mute friend. Months later a boy discovers the telephone and uses it as an analog toy that he only puts away when he receives a functioning cell phone as a gift. In 2018, Andrej E. Skubic (b. 1967), an excellent author of literature for adults, successfully created his first children’s book series about a clever trio of children. He here offers a children’s book that invites readers to philosophize about the creation of the world and of time.