The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

French / Switzerland

Ma sœur et moi

(My sister and I)

Roumiguière, Cécile (text)
Bobi (illus.)
Genève: La Joie de lire, 2012. – 32 p.
ISBN 978-2-88908-128-8

Siblings  | School  | Rivalry  | Intimacy

Reading age: 6+

White Ravens issue: 2013


Little Lisette is finally beginning elementary school. Her older sister Lorna, who has already been in school a few years, observes the changes in their lives suspiciously, anxiously, but also somewhat smugly. After all, she’s been through all that already! The two siblings spend their first year at the same school in different classes, yet nevertheless share similar experiences and conflicts, which play out between the poles of rivalry and intimacy, loneliness and solidarity, jealousy and gentleness. Cécile Roumiguière’s marvellous text brings the exciting paradoxes in the sisters’ lives to light, as do the large-format pictures of Bobi + Bobi, which possess a unique, and bizarre beauty.