The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Ukrainian / Ukraine

Pirats'kyj maršrut

(Piratsky marshrut)

(The pirate tour)

Malyk, Halyna (text)
Olijko, Hrasja (Oliyko, Hrasya) (illus.)
L’viv: Vydavnyctvo Staroho Leva, 2019. – [24] p.
ISBN 978-617-679-715-9

Game  | Pirate  | Sea travel  | Geography  | Picture book

Reading age: 3+

White Ravens issue: 2020


Cover art for Pirats'kyj maršrut

Halyna Malyk has been one of the best-known children’s and young adult book authors in Ukraine for many years. She returns to rhymed-text form in this “Pirate tour”, offering easy-going verses about a group of child pirates planning a great voyage around the globe. Throughout she weaves in many real places along the Dnieper and Danube rivers, the Atlantic coast and the Strait of Gibraltar, making the route traceable in a real Atlas. The mini-pirates sometimes quarrel over plans for the journey and, most likely, will make their naval passage through living rooms, kitchens and gardens – which underscores the splendid playfulness and childlike carefreeness of the story. The illustrations by Hrasya Oliyko (b. 1988) provide great fun and the right momentum for the wild tour. “Piratsky marshrut” is the third collaboration between the two artists. Hopefully many more will ensue. [KW]