The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

German / Germany

Tilda, ich und der geklaute Dracula

(Tilda, I, and the stolen Dracula)

Schützsack, Lara (text)
Frankfurt am Main: FISCHER Sauerländer, 2019. – 253 p.
ISBN 978-3-7373-5650-3

Berlin  | Friendship  | Family  | Dog  | Search

Reading age: 10+

White Ravens issue: 2020


“This story begins where most adventures begin. Right on your doorstep”. Yep, that’s true, even if it doesn’t look like it at first: It’s summertime, it’s hot, and the whole city is drowsy... NOTHING is happening. Tilda and Oda are bored, at least until Jorinde trips over them and crashes to the ground while looking for her missing dog Dracula. Ta-da! An adventure! So, sure as eggs is eggs, Tilda and Oda must find Dracula! The author Lara Schützsack has a knack for creating autonomous, self-confident girl characters and a metropolitan atmosphere like no other writer. Even in her novel “Sonne, Moon und Sterne” (Sun, Moon and Stars), also published in 2019, the slightly shabby, dusty summertime-Berlin provides the perfect setting. In “Tilda, ich und der geklaute Dracula”, the girls roam through the noisy quarter called “Mitte” as well as through cosy allotment gardens. Will they find Dracula? In the end, everything turns out to be different from what they expected – now that’s truly adventurous! [IG]