The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Greek / Greece

Karábia pu taxidepsan tē phantasia

(Ships that sailed the imagination)

Angelidu, Maria (Angelidou, Maria) (text)
Papatheodulu, Antōnēs (Papatheodoulou, Antonis) (text)
Kurtoglu, Chrēstos (Kourtoglou, Christos) (illus.)
Athēna: Ikaros, 2014. – 69 p.
ISBN 978-960-572-044-5

Ship  | History

Reading age: 8+

White Ravens issue: 2015


People have always used ships to travel through the world. Many – some of which supposedly never existed – were made to assuage wishes and dreams, restlessness and ambition, longings and illusions. They were used as vessels for adventures on the high seas, bore passengers to dismal fates, docked at long yearned for ports and at utopian places that promised a prosperous future. This book with six “ship’s biographies” tells the tales of the “Pequod” from “Moby Dick,” Jules Verne’s yacht in “Saint Michel”, the “Argo”, the “Hispaniola” from Stevenson’s “Treasure Island”, the Flying Dutchmen and Lukian’s sail to the moon. Heralded authors Antonis Papatheodoulou and Maria Angelidou tell these stories in a gripping way and enrich them with fresh and interesting facts. Internationally recognised artist and illustrator Christos Kourtoglou once again shows his talent for translating texts into poetic pictures using his unmistakeable mixed-media technique.