The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Spain

Un millón de ostras en lo alto de la montaña

(A million oysters up on the mountain)

Nogués, Alex (text)
Asiain Lora, Miren (illus.)
Barcelona: Editorial Flamboyant, 2019. – [42] p.
ISBN 978-84-17749-35-4

Geology  | History of Earth  | Fossil  | Non-fiction  | Picture book

Reading age: 9+

White Ravens issue: 2020


One can discover so much by opening one’s eyes and carefully observing the world! Oysters up on a mountain, for instance. Hard to believe, but yes, these are the fossilized remains of oysters that lived in a tropical sea 85 million years ago. This magnificent book takes readers on a tour of the Earth’s history and reveals how exciting geology can be. It uncovers the secrets hidden in stones, rocks, mountains, and under the earth, and shows how the various geological eras are layered on top of each other like the lines and notes of an ancient song. The narrative texts and pictures of “Un millón de ostras …” vividly introduce the complex topic and give young readers an idea of the unfathomably large time spans of Earth’s history, primeval animals, the movement of the tectonic plates, the beginnings of geology, and the fascinating nature of rocks, which are anything but mute. To start out on their own geological journey, readers just need a magnifying glass, a notebook, something to write with, and… a hammer. [JW]