The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Spain

Sentimientos encontrados

(Found feelings)

Puerta Leisse, Gustavo (text)
Odriozola, Elena (illus.)
[Madrid]: Ediciones Modernas El Embudo, 2019. – [42] p.
(Series: Colección Me lo pienso)
ISBN 978-84-120418-0-4

Emotion  | Picture book  | Non-fiction

Reading age: 8+

White Ravens issue: 2020


Cover art for Sentimientos encontrados

The introduction of this extraordinary book contains a piece of advice that one absolutely should follow: “You can read this book how and whenever you’d like.” It’s true – the way to do justice to this book, which spans 16 double-pages, is by engaging with the 256 meticulously pencil-drawn vignettes and the thoughtful, explicating texts in a playful and autonomous way. The pictures offer views into the rooms of a multi-story house, showing people in their everyday lives and various emotional states. The texts beneath explain and investigate an emotion on every page – such as longing, joy, envy, or shame. It is left up to readers to make connections between the text and pictures. Additionally, the text and pictures of this spiral-bound mix-and-match book can be leafed through separately from each other, which creates countless opportunities to explore the facets of the world of human emotion. An exceptional, thought-provoking book for leafing-through, searching, discovering, questioning and understanding. [JW]