The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Argentina

Mis tíos gigantes

(My giant uncles)

Schuff, Nicolás (text)
Reboursin, Javier (illus.)
Buenos Aires: Santillana, 2019. – 57 p.
(Series: Loqueleo. Narrativa)
ISBN 978-950-46-5839-9

Family  | Uncle  | Tolerance

Reading age: 8+

White Ravens issue: 2020


Not everyone could claim to have such uncles! Severino and Saturnino are twins, 99 years old, three meters tall – and terribly annoying. They are clumsy, rude, loud, love to stick their noses into other people’s affairs or to find fault with them. Despite all this, they are family, and one must get along with them somehow. Easier said than done when, for example, they climb a tree and the police have to get them back down, or when they phone the first-person-narrator at the crack of dawn to ask whether he’s finally rewritten his story or whether he could tell them a new one. There are plenty of fussy and uninspired books for beginning readers. This little volume, however, barely 60 pages long, with generous layout and illustrations, is a gem. With keenly crafted language and humorous dialogue, Nicolás Schuff tells an original, fast-paced story about two not very lovable characters that provides a lot of reading pleasure. (Age: [JW]