The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Chile

Tu cerebro es genial

(Your brain is ingenious)

Habinger, Esperanza (text)
Sebastián, Sole (illus.)
Santiago, Chile: Editorial Amanuta, 2019. – 59 p.
(Series: Colección Abre los ojos)
ISBN 978-956-364-104-2

Brain  | Non-fiction

Reading age: 9+

White Ravens issue: 2020


The human brain is ingenious in a double sense: it is both excellently designed and capable of astonishing achievements. From first page to last, this astonishing book devotes itself to this very special mass housed within our skulls. It talks about the parts of the brain, their functions, and how they communicate with and control other body parts. It talks about coordination and balance, memory and language, sensory perception, emotions, empathy, and the possibility of training the brain. The text and the numerous vignette-like illustrations explain all this in a clearly structured and straightforward way. The book conveys a great deal of intriguing knowledge without overloading the pages or overwhelming readers. There are unique invitations in each chapter to perform simple self-guided experiments. In testing one’s senses, equilibrium, or power of recall, for instance, one can become aware of what goes on in our “control centre” and what abilities and achievements it’s responsible for. [JW]