The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Argentina

Pubertad en marcha

(Puberty in progress)

Calvo, Gloria A. (text)
Lynn, Camila (text)
Mileo, Agostina (text)
Trach, Martina (illus.)
Buenos Aires: Iamiqué, 2021. – 64 p.
(Series: Sin vueltas)
ISBN 978-987-4444-45-5

Puberty  | Sexuality  | Sex education  | Gender  | Non-fiction

Reading age: 11+

White Ravens issue: 2021


Cover art for Pubertad en marcha

“Pubertad en marcha”, published by Iamiqué, long known as a creative non-fiction publisher, offers a fresh take on puberty and sexuality. Relaxed and not shy about naming and explaining the many facets of puberty, the three female authors don’t limit themselves to biological aspects, although of course topics like bodily change, menstruation, body odour and masturbation occupy notable space. At least as important, though, are puberty’s social and psychological dimensions. This is expressed by the fact that the book isn’t directed just at girls or at boys, but at everyone. It also draws on the concept of gender instead of the traditionally binary concept of sex and foregrounds questions of gender identity, gender roles and expectations, sexual self-determination and the astonishing diversity of human bodies and sexualities. This is all conveyed in a clear, compelling, and lively way in the pairing of a well-founded, very readable text and Martina Trach’s easy-going colour illustrations. [JW]