Ukrainian / Ukraine
Kudy i zvidky
(Where to and where from)
Romanyšyn, Romana
(Romanyshyn, Romana)
Lesiv, Andrij
(Lesiv, Andriy)
L'viv: Vydavnyctvo Staroho Leva, 2020. – [54] p.
ISBN 978-617-679-821-7
Movement | Locomotion | Journey | Migration | Non-fiction | Picture book
Reading age: 5+
White Ravens issue: 2021

The all-around mastery of Romana Romanyshyn und Andriy Lesiv, a Ukrainian team of graphic designers, is inimitably and unbelievably well demonstrated in “Kudy i zvidky“. While their picture books “Holosno, tykho, poshepky“ and “Ya tak bachu“ panoptically presented the human senses of hearing and sight, this book is a grand tour of movement and motion. The dynamics of getting ready, setting into motion, and hitting the road are visible everywhere. Humans, animals, and vehicles are constantly moving from left to right over the pages of this landscape-format book. With its characteristically striking colour spectrum and iconographic visual language, the book takes readers along a tour from Mount Everest to the Mariana Trench; to people who are fleeing, migrating, travelling, or just pausing; to migrating animal herds, across maps and borders; moving sometimes fast, sometimes slowly. Even movements of the elements are featured in this multiple award-winning book. It goes to show: the whole world is in motion! [KW]