The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

English / Canada

Dreaming in Indian. Contemporary Native American voices

Charleyboy, Lisa (ed.)
Leatherdale, Mary Beth (ed.)
Toronto [et al.]: Annick Press, [2014]. – 128 p.
ISBN 978-1-55451-687-2

Native Americans  | Everyday life  | Anthology

Reading age: 12+

White Ravens issue: 2015


Cover art for Dreaming in Indian. Contemporary Native American voices

What does it mean to be Native American in today’s society? What are the dreams and struggles of modern indigenous people – youth and elders alike? For this rich anthology, Lisa Charleyboy, indigenous storyteller and fashion blogger, and Mary Beth Leatherdale, editor, writer, and consultant, selected contributions from more than sixty illustrators, writers, photographers, athletes, actors, scientists, poets, activists, and others. In vibrant texts and stunning artwork, these members of different indigenous communities from around Canada and the US share their childhood memories, their hopes and fears, their everyday lives, and their experiences. Divided into four large chapters called “Home”, “Battles”, “Medicines”, and “Dreamcatchers”, all of these contributions challenge readers to dispel common stereotypes and misconceptions. They strive to answer the question of how Native Americans can “go forward, into modernity, onto the global stage, without leaving [their] ancient selves behind.”