The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

German / Switzerland

Hühner, Hühner, Hühner. Verhalten, Herkunft und Haltung

(Chickens, chickens, chickens. Behaviour, origin, and keeping)

Ziegler, Michaela (text/illus.)
Zürich: Atlantis, 2022. – [28] p.
ISBN 978-3-7152-0839-8

Chicken  | Non-fiction  | Picture book

Reading age: 4+

White Ravens issue: 2022


Cover art for Hühner, Hühner, Hühner. Verhalten, Herkunft und Haltung

What is the best way to impress your nursery school pals (along with everyone else)? By saying that chickens are descended from dinosaurs! No one is going to believe it, but it’s true. If you were to describe the lineage in fast motion, it would go something like this: from dinosaur to Bankiva fowl (aka red jungle fowl) to domestic chicken. »Hühner, Hühner, Hühner« not only uncovers these origins and relationships. With splendidly detailed and naturalistic illustrations – three cheers for them! – it also introduces different breeds, explains how chicks come into existence and reports on customs on the chicken farm: from the proverbial pecking order to feather care. The book is as educational as it is entertaining, because it is full of chicken knowledge and chicken surprises (not only egg-shaped ones!) and shows that these animals, which are so close to humans, are more than just suppliers of breakfast eggs. [IG]