The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

German / Germany

Lahme Ente, blindes Huhn

(Lame duck, blind chicken)

Hub, Ulrich (text)
Mühle, Jörg (illus.)
Hamburg: Carlsen, [2021]. – 82 p.
ISBN 978-3-551-55810-7

Duck  | Chicken  | Imaginary trip  | Courage

Reading age: 6+

White Ravens issue: 2022


Cover art for Lahme Ente, blindes Huhn

Whoever goes atravelling, has many a story to tell; this is particularly true when two different temperaments set off together: i.e. a lame and timid duck and a blind and daredevil chicken. One day, the hen ambles into the backyard where the duck lives. Duck had occasionally contemplated travelling around the world, but never really gotten off the ground. How fortunate that the world, aka Chicken, now visits the waterfowl! As a chicken of action, she talks the duck into her plan, and off they go on a journey to a place where the »most secret wish will come true«. On their way, the two birds brave the most outrageous dangers and butt heads with each other more than once. »Lahme Ente, blindes Huhn« is a great story about dreams and courage, about overcoming differences, persevering, and crossing borders together. The story of this mismatched couple is full of allusions, poignant, funny, with a deeper meaning, and – last but not least – visualised in Jörg Mühle’s trademark style with bold and dynamic lines! [IG]