Slovenian / Slovenia
Ne pozabi na naslov!
(Don’t forget the title)
Kos, Gaja
Vukotič, Jaka
Dob pri Domžalah: Miš, 2022. – [30] p.
ISBN 978-961-272-508-2
Book | Creativity | Storytelling | Activities book | Picture book
Reading age: 4+
White Ravens issue: 2022

This original, playful, and amusing picture book fuels the imagination of young readers and encourages reading by engaging their imaginations and teaching them how a picture book is produced. A mouse finds itself in a book without a story. It even seems that someone forgot to make up a title for it! Eventually though, cheese, a backpack and another mouse appear, so that a story slowly unfolds, not least with the help of the reader. The action (i.e., the making of a picture book) is driven by colourful sticky notes containing short reminders. Almost incidentally, readers learn about who is involved in the creative process: the author, the illustrator, the editor, the designer, etc. The pages teem with word games and other witty ideas concerning illustration and design. For example, the holes in the cheese must be drawn by the reader because – as both mice agree – cheese without holes is even more pathetic than a book without a story. [TJ]