Spanish / Spain
¿Hay alguien ahi? Preguntario interplanetario para terrícolas inteligentes
(Is anyone there? An interplanetary questionnaire for intelligent Earthlings)
Duthie, Ellen
Studio Patten
[Madrid]: Wonder Ponder, 2022. – [42] p.
ISBN 978-84-948709-6-5
Humans | Human nature | Question | Non-fiction
Reading age: 9+
White Ravens issue: 2022
This is a copy of a book, which was found in a donut-shaped spaceship on the beach near the Spanish city of Cádiz. It contains only the questions which the residents of the planet »Bipodia« wanted to ask Earth’s inhabitants, whose activities they have apparently been observing for some time. Did everything happen just as the foreword claims? Be that as it may. In any case, the questionnaire is brilliant and will surely cause the brain of every reader to sizzle. Is making mistakes part of human nature? Are you glad to be a human? Why? Can a man be female? Would it be good to know everything? Are there things for which there are no human words? Innumerable clever, witty, surprising, and tricky questions of the widest variety, organised in categories such as being human, knowledge, society, or art, can be found in this book. No answers are given, simply a lot of material to help the reader, alone or with others, to discuss and to think about oneself and the strange human race and come up with one’s own answers. [JW]