Spanish / Mexico
Pequeños gestos. Objetos amados queridos abandonados extraviados olvidados
(Small gestures. Beloved desirable abandoned lost forgotten objects)
Carrer, Chiara
Zapopan: Petra Ediciones, 2022. – [126] p.
ISBN 978-607-7646-83-9
Collecting | Memories | Cultural memory
Reading age: 12+
White Ravens issue: 2022

»I collect so as not to forget the momentariness and the beauty of fragments.« In a kind of notebook or album in which she preserves thoughts, memories and images, Chiara Carrer addresses the reasons and the structure of collecting things. Using photos, collages, sketches, drawings, and colour paintings, which are labelled with commentaries and aphoristic thoughts, she reflects upon the desire to hold on to that which has been experienced and acquired by saving, sorting, and cataloguing it. The pictures and texts deal with transience and permanence. Posing the question whether collecting is a passion or an obsession, Carrer makes clear that it is both an individual and a social activity through which collective memory is shaped and preserved. This profound and unusual book offers sensual, stimulating insights into an entire universe. The diversity of the seemingly fleeting images makes evident the processual, fragmentary character of the book and its creation. [JW]