The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Spain



Urberuaga, Emilio (text)
Zabala, Javier (illus.)
A Coruña: Bululú, 2022. – [28] p.
ISBN 978-84-18667-39-8

Fish  | Freedom  | Adventurousness  | Boredom  | Zest for life  | Picture book

Reading age: 5+

White Ravens issue: 2023


Cover art for Pez

Fish has had enough: day in and day out the same blue, orange, green, grey fish, and, what is more, all that vexatious plastic trash. There must be more to life than this! No sooner said than done, the adventurous coelacanth jumps out of the water, eager to get to know the wide world. After quickly getting used to life on land, he explores a large city, is rescued by a vegetarian cat from its hungry mates and makes friends with an ichthyologist. But soon Fish also finds this life boring: day in and day out the same people, trees, cars … How about exploring the skies? Two great names in Spanish children's literature have joined forces for this picture book. Javier Zabala has illustrated Emilio Urberuaga’s quirky tale about curiosity, adventurousness, freedom, and breaking down boundaries with pictures rendered in diverse mixed technique and glowing colours. They show a fantastic world with an enterprising protagonist who is full of joie de vivre. [JW]