The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

German / Germany

Morgen bestimme ich!

(Tomorrow, I’ll decide!)

Mühle, Jörg (text/illus.)
Frankfurt am Main: Moritz Verlag, 2024. – [26] p.
ISBN 978-3-89565-457-2

Jealousy  | Playing  | Friendship  | Picture book

Reading age: 3+

White Ravens issue: 2024


Cover art for Morgen bestimme ich!

»When the weasel arrived home in the afternoon, the bear was busy. Badger was visiting.« That’s how harmlessly this picture book begins. Yet the title already suggests that things will not necessarily remain peaceful. After all, the weasel would like to join in the games of Bear and Badger (and not, as the bear suggests, prepare food for him and his visitor...). Weasel and Bear quickly get into an argument about who is allowed to play with whom and in what way. While the quarrel escalates between the two, Badger entertains himself with his red fire engine, completely unbothered by the shouting match. However, at some point, he has to go home. »Bear and Weasel were utterly surprised. ›What?!‹ they shouted. [...] ›But we’re just having so much fun!‹« Naturally, they want to invite him back for the next day – but the badger has other plans... Jörg Mühle is a master of precise observation and on-point timing. The book displays flawless plot development, great dialogue, and astutely mischievous images! [IG]