The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Spanish / Chile

Ranita de madera. Super-viviente del frío

(Wood frog. A super survivor of the cold)

Riveros, María Eugenia (text)
Luebert, Pablo (illus.)
[Santiago de Chile]: Ediciones Liebre, 2023. – 37 p.
(Series: Liga Indestructibles; 1)
ISBN 978-956-6222-06-4

Frog  | Wood frog  | Non-fiction

Reading age: 6+

White Ravens issue: 2024


Cover art for Ranita de madera. Super-viviente del frío

Ediciones Liebre’s new non-fiction series »Liga Indestructibles« (League of the Undestructibles) is dedicated to to organisms with the amazing ability to survive in most extreme conditions. The first volume’s protagonist is the little-known wood frog, which is related to humans – at least »more closely than to a potato chip« – although their last common ancestor lived thousands of millions of years ago. »Ranita de madera« is an example of the dynamic, innovative development that has taken place in the genre of children’s non-fiction in recent years. Written by biologist María Eugenia Riveros, the vivid text enables the reader to understand how the superhero wood frog can hibernate in a deep freeze, and often makes entertaining allusions to the world and level of knowledge of the child reader. The text’s lively tone has been congenially realized in Pablo Luebert’s merry illustrations done in bright, at times fluorescent colours and brimming with witty ideas and humorous details. [JW]