Spanish / Mexico
Ana en todas partes
(Ana everywhere)
Córdova, Adolfo
Pepa Ilustradora
(Mesías, María José)
México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2023. – 182 p.
(Series: A la Orilla del Viento; 260)
ISBN 978-607-16-8117-1
Falling in love | First love | School
Reading age: 11+
White Ravens issue: 2024

In Julián’s heart there is room for only one: Ana. She has taken it over completely and turned his life upside down. He cannot stop thinking about her. Ana, Ana, ANA. The only problem is that Ana is completely unaware. It seems as if she doesn’t even know him, and moreover she is a class ahead of him. Julián wallows in his reverie until one day the unthinkable occurs and Ana speaks to him in the schoolyard: What’s up, Julián? Suddenly everything changes and a wonderful story begins. In this novel, narrated by the eleven-year-old protagonist himself, Adolfo Córdova depicts, in all its facets, the topsy-turvy emotional life of someone who is totally in love. Humorous, empathetic, in a rhythmical, fast-paced style that mirrors the changing moods very well, the novel creates a completely believable picture of a childhood on the brink of puberty. It draws a vivid picture not only of the things going on in Julián’s head, heart and stomach, but also of details of daily life and the other characters in the story. [JW]