Spanish / Spain
¿Así es la muerte? 38 preguntas mortales de niñas y niños
(Is this what death is like? 38 deadly questions girls and boys ask)
Duthie, Ellen
Juan Cantavella, Anna
Antinori, Andrea
[Madrid]: Wonder Ponder, 2023. – 137 p.
ISBN 978-84-948709-8-9
Death | Non-fiction
Reading age: 8+
White Ravens issue: 2024

This book features 38 questions about death, raised in workshops with children who have obviously explored the subject intensively. The questions are profound and sometimes surprising. Some touch on the metaphysical, while others are quite down-to-earth. Why do we have to die? Does death have a physical manifestation? What is the point of living if we have to die? What will happen to my console when I die? The individual nature of the questions is reflected in the form of the answers. The authors speak to the children in a personal way, as if they were writing them letters. The explanations are informative and factual, both empathetic and respectful, because each question is earnest and deserves a detailed answer. The illustrations in this wise and unusual book take up the questions in an associative and playful manner, but avoid simply replicating the answers. In this way, Andrea Antinori puts himself, with a twinkle in his eye, on the side of inquisitive children. [JW]