Spanish / Spain
Carasucia en el mundo redondo
(Dirty Face in the round world)
Jiménez, Patricia
Piqueras Fisk, Daniel
[Madrid]: Narval, 2023. – 180 p.
ISBN 978-84-126857-1-8
Cat | Pet | Adventure | Animal welfare
Reading age: 9+
White Ravens issue: 2024

Carasucia (Dirty Face), a young kitten, grows up in a cage in a pet store. Life behind the storefront window is characterized by curiosity about the »round world« on the other side and longing for the unknown place others call »Home«. At the same time, she lives in constant fear of being separated from her siblings. When Carasucia is finally adopted by a family, she proves to be alert, strong-willed and determined to take her destiny into her own paws. She undertakes adventures, battles a pet kidnapper and searches for her sorely missed siblings. After the final chapter of this entertaining children’s novel, one thing is certain: to be continued! Telling the story in the first person, from the point of view of the cat, gives rise to many funny and surprising moments. Looking at the world from the other side, it also means holding up a mirror to humans. It forces the reader to think about how people often treat animals as objects to be used at will. [JW]