The White Ravens Database

Presented by   Internationale Jugendbibliothek / International Youth Library

Turkish / Turkey

Yeşil günlük

(Green diary)

Dikmen, Fatih (text)
Sevde, Zeynep (text)
Dedeleroğlu, Eren (illus.)
Üsküdar-İstanbul: Taze Kitap, 2016. – 92 p.
ISBN 978-605-84228-5-8

Nature  | Ecology  | Gardening  | Diary  | Non-fiction  | Activities book

Reading age: 5+

White Ravens issue: 2017


Cover art for Yeşil günlük

“Yeşil Günlük” is a multi-sensory activity book that animates its readers to go outside and engage with nature. Its cover is made out of natural linen (and includes a pencil case with a zipper). With a little wooden shovel attached to the cover and four little sachets of seeds on its inside front cover, the book provides everything that young nature enthusiasts need to start getting their hands dirty. The first pages explain some key concepts regarding plants and gardening with the help of enticing illustrations. The rest of the book is made up of descriptions of thirty-six different plants, all of which can be found in Turkey. Blank pages invite readers to fill them not only with their observations, but also with leaves that they have collected and dried following the informative book’s instructions. This “green diary” encourages its readers to be more observant of their surroundings, invokes curiosity about nature, and helps children familiarize themselves with the flora and fauna around them.